Would you say you "respect" non-vegans? Thoughts on judgment, respect, and tolerance.

My mom expressed recently that she feels judged when we discuss animal agriculture and veganism, and I was honest that I do judge her because by this point, she knows how the sausage gets made, as the saying goes. She can't feign ignorance; she understands the harm she's causing when she chooses to eat animals. As someone who has otherwise always experienced my mother to be a compassionate and selfless individual, this dissonance is painful. I believe she's a good person, and she is participating in a system of mass harm.

(As an optimistic side note, she's now doing one 100% plant-based meal a day. It's not perfect or even major, but over time, it adds up to something. It's better than before, and I'm very grateful for both her patience and openness.)

The question of judging non-vegans segued in my mind into another: do I respect non-vegans? Obviously, our individualistic culture that privileges personal liberty would say we should respect everyone's dietary choices, period. But there is a clear victim when a non-vegan sits down to eat; in most cases, there are multiple victims across the various ingredients. So no, I don't respect the non-vegan's choice to eat animals. I tolerate it, because I have to. And for the most part, I tolerate it politely because I'm non-confrontational.

So, what are your feelings toward non-vegans, both those who are aware of the abuse behind the industry yet keep eating animals, anyway, and those who for whatever reason are unaware?