Why did they patch the invincibility glitch in Citadel
I’m not gonna assume every single person here knows what I’m talking about so I’m going to explain further.
There was a glitch in the main spawn server (Citadel/Ore Store) where you could escape the map entirely through a wall you could walk through. Since you can’t be killed before entering the battle arena (Quarry), you could enter through this glitched part of the map where you cannot die but CANNOT KILL ANYONE. This glitch was COMPLETELY HARMLESS and FRIENDLY. I’d further say that it was in favor of people that regularly mine ore in the Quarry.
Now that it’s patched, I can guarantee hundreds of people are pissed off (most likely quitting the game entirely) because now they have to go back to the Quarry risking being immediately killed. I get that once more people discover this glitch, it becomes more disappointing for people who enjoy killing people. To those specific people, DO IT IN VAIL COMBAT. Now that it’s technically free of charge, you can get it by mining ores in the Quarry. Which then leads me into this pointless paradox. Which is why I NEED THIS GLITCH BACK!
Do not rant to me about skill issues