I fully believe in supporting small businesses but holy shit Walmart’s prices are good.
I absolutely hate the idea of living in a homogenized, cookie cutter world of Walmart and amazon but I literally can’t afford to support the little guy. There’s actually not many Walmarts in my area and I only recently started going. I’m living on a teachers salary and it’s not like we’re talking about an extra dollar or two, it’s a huge disparity in price compared to the competition. I don’t wanna be part of the problem but what choice do we have when shopping local is a luxury.
Edit: I’ve been repeatedly told this isn’t an unpopular opinion so I’ll call it an unpleasant fact. However I maintain that it’s my opinion that although I don’t like patronizing a particular establishment, it is foolish not to take advantage of the savings, even though it is “unpopular” to admit doing so.....in my opinion.