Yorkshire fitness test
Hi all
I have a fitness test for Yorkshire ambulance upcoming - I've been training for it as I've gotten a little bit lazy over the last 4 years, calling fire for all my lift assists.
Has anyone done it recently and is it as difficult as I'm finding it, I'm really struggling to carry 16kg in both hands and doing 40 15cm steps, it's the only part I'm struggling with.
It doesn't say on the assessment if I'm allowed a test during this so trying to train that I'm not allowed to rest.
I've had a PT for the last 6 weeks to try and get my strength/techniques so I find it less difficult but I get to about 20 steps and tap out.
Any tips/help to get through it? Other than if I fail it I don't get the job I'm really struggling to push through!
Thanks in advance
Edit for typos etc