regarding everything that’s been going on

hey guys! I just want to post a full thing about the things that have been going on with ok grapefruit and tylerbussy. (take a shot every time i say bussy) tl;dr at the bottom btw

first, i posted a poll whether or not i should blacklist the word “bussy” because of the spam coming from ok grapefruit. i then got flamed from a ton of people saying that I wasn’t doing my job (i do not get paid for this, this is Reddit. I do this for fun and to help yall out.) and that I should just ban him. so I did. FOR ONE WEEK. then I made a post talking about what happened and that tylerbussy is fine, however ok grapefruit got banned for one week. yall flamed me for that too. then another moderator (not saying names for privacy reasons) banned tylerbussy for a month because he was posting weird Hitler posts and kept spamming posts, which I understand. After that happened, I got threats, people were making posts about me about how I should go to the deepest part of hell, (which im sure were light hearted, but still. it feels very weird and im super uncomfortable with this) and even more that I don’t wanna go too much into. All im just saying is that please do not harass anybody, including me. we’re just trying to do our best to clear up spam and help the community.

however, if a lot of people do want tylerbussy unbanned, you may let us know in the comments of this post. that is all. thank you.


people wanted the guy that spammed Bussy on every post banned, so I did, then people got mad, then tylerbussy got banned because of weird hitler and spam posts, after that people started to harass me even though I wasn’t the one that banned him. do not harass us please