Pink discharge- 1 hour & gone!

I’m 3 days away from testing! At 1pm I went to the toilet & noticed creamy pink stained discharge (I’m sorry for the tmi) 😬 as I wiped. It was gone after an hour!

I’ve been cramping on & off & constant backache since O but today, no symptoms! Everything disappeared! When AF arrives, it comes with cramps, backache, mood swings & sore bbs. I haven’t had any sore bbs or mood swings this month which isn’t normal for me & the cramps I’ve been feeling since O have been more of a stretching & tight sensation over the achey cramps before AF.

Would this discharge be AF teasing me or IB? I know it’s rare which is why my hopes aren’t very high. I’ll be testing Monday if AF doesn’t arrive before then but I’d love your thoughts & similar experiences either ending in BFN or BFP!

Sending ✨✨✨ to you all!