3 yr old son refuses to potty train.

My son turned 3 last week and we had been trying to potty train him since he was 2, but every time we tried he had no interest at all. So, we would decide to revisit it again at a later time.

I’m a stay at home mom, who is due to have another baby in March 2025, so obviously I’d ideally have him trained by then. I’ve tried to start again these past two days and last night he seemed somewhat interested even sat down and “tried”, he couldn’t go. This morning though he is nearly having mental breakdowns when I ask if he has to pee. Nearly sobbing when I mention the toilet (which is how it’s been for months).

I’ve tried bribing him, the sticker chart, reward system, big boy pants (he peed thru them with no care and I kept asking every 10 mins if he had to go and it was always no). I’m just so lost. He has no desire at all to even try. Should I just wait longer?