Baby turning into toddler - I’m not ready

Just here to rant/vent but my 18 month old is turning into a toddler and I’m not ready. I used to read posts that were like what happened to my sweet baby and I didn’t get them but now I’m like boy do I feel you.

Idk how I’m gonna get through the constant whining. He whines about literally anything and sometimes if it’s a bad day it’s all day just whining and making whining noises. I had no idea this was a thing. Not to mention he’s starting to be harder to distract and redirect and the big feelings are killing me.

To make matters worse we’re in the thick of a sleep regression of sleepless split nights. Inconsolable crying and I’ve only gotten around 4 hours the past three nights. Last night he was inconsolable. I think I could get through alright if at least he was sleeping through the night but I’m giving up hope. Maybe that’ll just happen after 2 years.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a short nap long nap early bed time late bed time just right bedtime he’s up.

On the other hand to look at the bright side he’s so vocal and when he’s happy he’s really happy. He’s so determined and friendly and sociable and he loves cuddles and when we’re both tired we watch a few minutes of a Disney direct to DVD sequel so there’s definitely up sides. Not to mention he’s eating independently.

It’s just the SLEEP I just want a good nights sleep