Liquid magnesium chloride practically fixes my most bothersome tone.
31F. I've posted a lot in here. I've currently got 4 tones. 7/10 volume. A ringing, a static, a morse code beeping, and an electrical noise. The electrical noise has been the worst thing to ever happen to me, no exaggeration. It's a wiry, crazy sound. It sounds like a faulty phone charger submerged in water going haywire. It has no rhyme or rhythm, it has multiple frequencies, volumes, etc. I have lost so much sleep over it, I couldn't sleep with it and it was getting worse and worse as the months went on. It started in my left ear and recently made its way to my right. My other tones are also just as loud but they are nothing compared to the literal hell of this electrical noise.
I want to stress no other forms of magnesium have helped me. I've tried magnesium citrate, oxide, glycinate, etc. Both pill form and powder that you mix with water.
Days ago, I started taking liquid magnesium chloride. 10ml at night. Within one hour, that tone became quiet enough for me to ignore. My other tones remained, but that one was noticeably quieter. So much so that I was able to sleep even over my other tones. No matter how loud my other tones are, I am able to sleep with the worst one quieter. I continue to take it at night and it continues to get quiet everytime.
When I don't take it, it comes back full force. Tonight, I forgot to take it at the time I normally do. It came back slowly. I panicked so hard when it was full volume again, but I took the magnesium and it faded again. I cannot understand why this is happening but I am so, so, so relieved and need to share in case this somehow helps someone. Would also be interested in understanding WHY this is helping one of my tones and doing nothing for the others. Really bizzare case.
Happy to share any info if anyone needs it.
Edit: Brand is Adrien Gagnon. It is a Canadian brand. Link