Why do you enjoy The David Pakman Show?

Full disclosure, I'm a right of center guy. Not on everything. I'm pretty libertarian on weed. I like the idea of single payer health care if it could ever be figured out. Dreamers shouldn't be deported for the actions of their parents. A few other issues would break me from the strict right, but i still vote republican more often than not.

I like to listen to both side of the issues. I like listening to Ben Shapiro, Patrick Bet-David, Kyle Kullinski, The Young Turks, little bit of Fox news here and there(mainly Gutfeld).

I ran across DP after the election and have been tuning in to catch his perspective and i think maybe hes just not for me. I find him to be incredibly smug, condescending and arrogant. From mispronouncing Tulsi Gabbard's name repeatedly to insinuating that Trumps popular vote win isn't real. Saying that 77 million Americans are ill/un informed. This is about his projection of the other side. He just seems so .....shitty.

I don't agree with Cenk and Ana all the time but they seem to care and they don't seem to want to insult the audience members that aren't on their side 100%. If anyone but a far leftist tunes into DP, hes going to lose them right away because of his attitude. I don't know, maybe hes just not for me.

