A case for keeping birthright citizenship

Many Americans OUTSIDE OF REDDIT grate against the idea of a pregnant woman sneaking over the border in order to deliver a child and thus secure their stay while they raise their newly born American citizen. This triggers the sense of unfairness and line-cutting that Trump has gained so much from. It is important for us here in this community to sympathize with this thinking, even though we may disagree.

The MAGA friendly need to think deeper about what becomes of a person born to illegal immigrants who is denied citizenship. What will happen if (and when, because this is a thing that already happens) the parents' country of origin refuses to recognize or take in the child? The child will become effective stateless.

I won't expand upon the hardships faced by the stateless; I see no need to preach to the choir. But we should work to inform the other half of the electorate how internal stateless people will cause problems for them.

Stateless people more often feel little or no loyalty to their country of birth. Some will harbor resentment and even a desire to see the country harmed. This has proven to be a potent recipe for criminality. Indeed, much of the "immigrant crime wave" stories coming out of Europe (and which so many MAGAs love to post all over social media) deal with stateless people who are making their anger known.

Consider ISIS, which is essentially an insurgent country seeking to conquer its own territory. It is not hard to imagine the additional appeal to an already stateless young muslim. And who better to conduct a terrorist attack in a country than someone who has known it since birth?


Anyway, it's a bit of an indirect and messy argument at present, but hopefully we can refine the points and rhetoric to better convince our fellow Americans how birthright citizenship actually reduces crime.