Double Standards
Why do we need to "meet MAGA where they are" on issues but not Gen Z? We have focus group after focus group telling us to "listen to people's legitimate concerns" even as those concerns are regurgitated Fox News talking points from the prior week.
I think the incentive structure of the "center right" has led to persistent and predictable analytical errors. Are we really back to "holding out hope" for Nikki Haley, as Sarah said? A woman who endorsed Trump at least twice, in 2020 and 2024? A woman who couldn't bring herself to meaningfully criticize Trump other than "he can't win" (hilariously wrong, again). Just because the movement was born from the center right doesn't mean we have to keep going back to the same dry well, unless Kellyanne Conway was right on her "sugar daddies" comment to Sarah.
There are real security concerns with TikTok for DoD and DoJ employees. They should have to submit their phones for periodic inspection, like urinalysis or whatever. Banning it for Joe and Jane Public is much less defensible, and frankly it shows how out of touch the chattering class is.
I've had a couple previous posts here about the intellectual exhaustion of the center right, and I'm growing more and more convinced that the future of the movement is mindlessly triangulating and repeating threadbare talking points from two decades ago. We need to find something new. The last two elections, 2022 and 2024, the Bulwarkers seem to have missed in a pretty big way.