Helping out a buddy

UPDATE 9.47 am and we are still at it currently at .80 left with each coin obtained being worth less than .5

Up date we are now at .5 at this rate it will most likely take at least 3 Additional coins to complete

BIG Udate it is now 8.48 am we currently have only 2 coins left to go and at last count had used just over 84 codes to get there, we only have a bout an hour 30 on the timer so please folks help us out if you can !

Hey I’m trying to help a friend finish his hat. Trick we got he down to 25 purple coins but I need some people who want to trade other kinds of klicks and help my home boy out Nichol*** 52219958 hat trick UPDATE we have it down to 15 purples now, please help if you can this means alto to the guy Update 2 still stuck at 15 coins as of 215 am could really use some help to finish this hat trick off and we still have a few to trade UPDATE 3 we are down to 8 as of 3:12 lots of time still on the timer and still some far and fish clicks to trade UPDATE 4 well it’s 421 am where I’m at and we’re are down to 7 purple coins we are getting low on clicks but we have some farm and a few fish left If you know of anyone who would or could help us finish this I would be super grateful for any help we could get Thank you all

As of 4 45 we are down to six and we do still have a few click left to trade I don’t see how anybody ever completes one of these things lol But I’m still hoping we get it done

UPDATE it is now 5;47 am I’ve been working this all night and we Are still currently at 5 to if you can trade hattrick for farm or fish please help us out

And again thank you to every so far.

Update it is now 724 am and we are down to 3 coins things are looking pretty desperate and we are dam near our of stuff to trade However we have not give up yet as long as there is time on the timer we will keep trying

And one again thanks you to every who’s helped