What to focus on for the TEAs

Hi, I have only a month to study for the TEAs. I have been studying here and there but since I'm such a procrastinator I would always tell myself it's okay to brush it off I have plenty of time ( IK IK not the smartest idea), now I am down to the last possible month to study before absolutely having to take the test. So my question for the ones who have taken the test is, what are topics that I should study and what are topics or questions that are common sense/ easy that I shouldn't really use my time to study and just review? I am gaining more confidence in math ( just not conversions) and ELU. Reading and Science seem harder. What are your thoughts based off the test?

So far I have taken diagnostic tests in ELU and Reading on Nursehub.

Reading I got a 71.1%

ELU I got around an 80%

*If there's any other studying material that teaches you in simpler terms or ways please let me know, especially for science :)