Unsettling reading

Today I got a reading and I feel uneasy now. I wanted to get a reading for my career, as I'm undecided. However from the first moment, the reader focused on my love life. I told her I really didn't have the capacity now to eventually hear something bad as I'm currently enjoying the relationship. She's been going all over it for quite some time.

It went something like this: you're in love, you can't wait to see him but there are many "thieves" on your path and a card death showed up. And she shuffled many times and many times death came up as well as the cat for him as in he isn't honest. She said even if we get married she sees other women. She shuffles and then spreads each card till the whole deck is laid. Basically it says that this current relationship will end and afterwards I'll meet someone new and everything will be well. It was a generally "positive" reading. What I hate is the fact I told her I didn't wanna know yet she insisted? And now while I really am enjoying this relationship, I can't throw out of my mind this reading. She then kept saying that nothing is set in stone but she is very sure that he isn't the one. And that I should enjoy it with him and move in with him but the ending will come at some point. I feel like I want a different reading. And what is worse is that she had done a reading for me about 2 years ago, for my past partner and predicted that he wouldn't move with me to a different country which then happened to be true. She "predicted" he wouldn't be the one. But I guess at that point asking him that question would have done the same. So now I'm a complete mess, while she didn't help with what I came for, she just gave me more mess to leave with, giving me worries about my current relationship....

Does it make sense to get a different reading? Or to just say fuck it altogether and "forget" the reading? I can't shake off the feeling that she was "right" the last time, even though the last time I heard it for the previous relationship I was also mad and said there's no way she's right. But at that time I was in a very different phase mentally and physically and even though I basically "knew" my then partner wouldn't move, I really wasn't ready to accept it.