Fiction books which main arc center around overcoming abuse/trauma

Hi! I would like some recommendations for books which either focus on recovery from abuse (of any kind) or the effect of the abuse is at least present in the characters story. Fantasy and sci-fi are what I'm looking for but I'm open to just any kind of fiction too, anything that's not a self help book or auto/biography. This was inspired by another post where someone recommended the book Warchild by Karin lawachee and I wanted to find more like that book, I have not read the other books in that series so if you have and think they might fit my criteria please do recommend them. I also ask that for any book recommendation a quick synopsis is given to give an idea of the overall plot and story.

Things that I do NOT want;

) Victim blaming that is a big no no, unless it's internalized, and if it is it must be resolved

) NO abuser forgiveness, not something I enjoy and cannot get behind

Things that I DO want

)The abuse is recognized as wrong and is condemned by those around the mc

)People around mc support him through his recovery

  1. No tragic ending

Thank you everyone!