why do liberals on the internet act like you genocided an entire infant nursery for making mexican food

I see a lot on cooking spaces on reddit and other forums, basically, when somebody posts about how they cooked some mexican dish, or (gasp) made tortillas, or what have you, people act like they are disrespecting an entire country of people and pissing on the graves of their dead ancestors by simply making a fucking corn tortilla from scratch

They also do this thing where they overcomplicate mexican cuisine. I saw some poor guy made some good looking tortillas, and he was shit on by a bunch of wypipo in his thread for disrespecting mexican people or something. Then there were like 2 actual mexican guys who commented and were downvoted for saying "I'm mexican and I'd eat that it looks good" and were dogpiled upon by the Well Meaning Adults In The Room™ with comments like "yikes, there's a lot to unpack here"

Food is food and is not supposed to be overly complicated at the end of the day. Just follow the recipe and make it fam. And I know it's a cold take here but white people selling tacos is not a bad thing and actual Mexican people don't give a single fuck as long as the owner or whatever isn't pretending to be Mexican or something. You can be a white guy and have a taco truck... Mexican people don't give a single fuck. Italian people aren't descending upon all Anglos for making spaghetti or whatever the fuck

somebody explain this shit to me