The West deserves Musk's Sieg Heil salute

Everyone's heads are so deep in propaganda and the spectacle that they remain comfortably asleep when the West routinely supports the most backward and fascistic elements in conflicts where 100s of thousands die, be it in Syria, Ukraine, Israel/Palestine or elsewhere. I dislike moralizing and I avoid using the term "deserving", but the imperial core does not deserve to peacefully enjoy the delusion of being a progressive force for humanity. Anyone who pays attention and browses the Internet for the truth rather than for narcissistic validation has already long started to appreciate how Landmesser felt. Our situation is arguably more surreal as for the past year and 3 months we have had pocket access to near-real-time video updates from today's Zone of Interest. But unless you intentionally went out searching, you'd struggle to find anger. Life mostly went on as normal, and the tranquil rot continued.

But now, suddenly, the libs have woken up. Like a choir anticipating their conductor's first gesture, they took a deep, silent breath that lasted from the end of the election until the inauguration. Peaceful as it was, it is done and now we're back to having propaganda shoved down our throats. What is it this time? "Orange Man bad" was not good enough, now it's time to hate the men around the Orange Man. On the one hand I should be happy that billionaire hatred is becoming more commonplace, as most of the anger seems to be directed at Musk, Zuck, and Bezos. On the other hand, the motivations behind this hate are not right. Zuck is in the spotlight for appearing on JRE and removing factcheckers from Facebook, Musk is under fire for an awkward Sieg Heil salute, and Bezos is always hated for being crass when compared to the liberal darling billionaires such as Gates. Instead of being grounded in an awareness of the prevailing power structure and the material conditions that enable it how truly fucked things are, those sentiments are motivated by idealism and personal tastes. It doesn't help the libs' case that this sentiment is in part a psyop reflecting the ruling class's internal power struggle, where the billionaire traitors to the prior neoliberal consensus are being (inconsequentially) punished for dissenting. I think that's how most of this sub feels, which is why we aren't taking the libs' latest attempt at revolution seriously.

So of course I feel schadenfreude when I see libs experience the distress that comes with feeling one's society descend into something resembling fascism. They deserve it as much as we all do. No one will do anything about a sinking ship if it does not feel as though it's sinking. But I am not sure about one thing. More Trumpism means more 'in-your-face imperialism' and less 'imperialism with a strenuously and meticulously sanitized face'. While still wide, one could argue that this narrows the gap between spectacle and reality. I used to believe that such a narrowing would lead to class consciousness as more people realize that the elites are not acting in our interests, but now I have doubts. Will this move us towards a class awakening, or will everyone start longing for the old, comfortable, neoliberal lies?