14 day update on first Var cycle
1st Cycle – 2 week update
I started my first cycle 14 days ago on June 29th.
Stats: 43 YO female, 139# starting weight, 22% BF, lift regularly (3-5 days per week), zero cardio.
Eating in a slight/moderate deficit. Target macros: 128P, 46F, 126C (1551 cals) with carbs consumed around workouts.
Cycle: first week 40mg Var 2nd week 70 mg (10mg/day) with plans to stay at 70mgs/week (10mg/day)
My short term & long term goals are:
#1 Body recomposition before a 10 day tropical vacation from Sept 20-30th
#2 Strength increase
3 First phase of program for bikini comp sometime in the 1st ½ of 2024
This is what I have experienced so far…
Pretty significant increase in water/scale weight – went from 139# to 149# over the course of the first 12 days. I started my Var cycle on the last day of my period, so not sure what, if any, implications that may have had for retaining water weight – I always gain about 5# on my period. The last 48 hours, I have dropped 2# of scale/water weight. In the research I’ve done and the ladies I’ve talked to, it’s about 50/50, women gaining significant water weight vs none at all. Based on the effects Var has on kidney (+/- liver) function and the role of electrolyte handling, assuming the water weight shift is due to this. Everyone I’ve talked to says they drop the water weight within 1-2 weeks of ending the cycle. The water/scale weight is really messing with my head. I feel so puffy. It’s like my body fat is fluffier. My face, arms, hands, legs, feet, and especially my midsection (where I store the majority of my excess fat) are all puffy.
I started by taking 10mg all at once. I had horrible moodiness/angriness, irritation, frustration, etc for several hours after taking 10mgs. Felt like PMS symptoms on steroids (no pun intended 😉 ) I also experienced brain fog and dizziness. Felt really spacey. After the first 4 days, I began splitting my dose 5mg first thing in the morning, then 2nd 5mg 8 hours later. This completely eliminated the mood issues (I am not normally a moody person) and dizziness/brain fog.
I have been sleeping really well.
I saw pretty immediate strength increases in my heavy lifts the first week on cycle. Not sure if it was placebo or real lol. I was really excited to get started. I have changed my program to lower weights, higher reps (12 rep sets ~1RIR) and have noticed that I feel kind of lame for lack of a better word. I get pretty big “pumps” (using other people’s word here). I can’t finish a set without taking a break because it just hurts. I have increased weights a little on some lifts in this rep range, but not all. My biggest increase has been in close grip row – went up from 4 sets of 145 x 5 reps to 4 sets of 160 x 12 reps. I have not experienced what others have as far as being able to just lift and lift without getting fatigued. I have noticed I am not getting sore/DOMS as I usually do.
This week I have noticed I just feel really good mentally/emotionally. I have a pretty high-stress job, and it can have serious implications on my mental state. I have been in a really good, positive mind space the last 4 or 5 days. I have also been really motivated to work out, which sometimes is not the case.
I am seeing veins in my shoulders, chest and biceps that are not normally there.
I have not experienced the intense hunger others report.
I have noticed an increase in my libido, but not insanely so. I am hoping for a more profound increase as time goes on. I am having a little sensitivity in my lady parts, but not in a bad way...actually in a good way and I've been able to climax faster than normal. No unusual growth down there.
No odd body hair growth, although I shave my arms and my arm hair is growing back much faster than normal. I am blonde, so it's not very noticeable on me.
No acne so far. I do not generally have trouble with acne, other than the occasional pimple or two around my period. I have noticed my skin and hair is more oily/greasy. I’ve also noticed I have more body odor than normal.
I am also on TRT for low free test. I received a pellet.
I'll update again in a couple more weeks. 😊