Anavar F/43 w/ Test Body Recomp Questions
Hello. Just started my first cycle of Anavar & have some questions after doing some extensive reading about the compound.
I am a fit 43, around 21-22% BF. 140#, 5’6. Have been lifting pretty consistently for around 8 years. I got hurt then sick last year and had to stay out of the gym for ~6 months. I gained some body fat. About a month ago I started back in the gym and got my diet dialed back in. I pretty much only lift weights, and my strength has come back rapidly and I’m actually already stronger than I was before I had to stop lifting. I am not doing any cardio.
I have a coach and am planning to compete in bikini (for the first time) sometime in the first 1/2 of 2024, depending on how my body responds to training/prep. I want to be competitive, so I don’t have a show/date picked out and I am not in a rush. I have a vacation to Hawaii this Sept 19-29, so that is a mini physique goal for me.
Cycle planned: 10mg / day:
40mg 1st week (4 days on, started on Thursday) 70mg / week for 4 more weeks 4 weeks off 70mg / week for 6 weeks
I have chronically low free testosterone, and was getting pellet implants for the last 18 months, about every 4-6 months. I am overdue for one now and scheduled to get one implanted on July 11.
I have read that Anavar tanks testosterone (in men) My total testosterone is normal, but my SHBG is 70 and my free testosterone is low, and has been between .1 ng/dL and .7 ng/dL when not using the test pellet. Is getting the pellet now a good idea, is there any reason to wait to get it closer to when I am about to cycle off Anavar, and are there any increased risks of virilization if I do both at the same time, considering I’m chronically low test anyway? I’ve also read that Anavar decreases SHBG, which in theory could mean my free test could increase due to this.
I am reading a lot of conflicting information about Anavar causing bloating. Most is anecdotal from women who have used it. I have digestive issues so I know personally there are a lot of things that can cause bloating & have to wonder if the anecdotal info is assumed to be caused by Anavar but actually NOT due to Anavar. Correlation vs causation, etc. The science I have read about oxandrolone states that this hormone does not aromatize into estrogen therefore should not be causing bloating.
I am looking to recomp my body - coach and I believe I’ve reached my natural genetic potential, so the goal is for Anavar to help me add some lean mass while also cutting extra bodyfat. I’ve read a lot of conflicting info on the fat loss aspect as well, regarding Anavar. Research shows that it significantly reduces thyroid binding globulin and increases thyroxine binding prealbumin, which leads to increased fat oxidation/metabolism. Why is there so much conflicting anecdotal info - I read that some women see huge fat loss while other see none. I am eating in a deficit FWIW - 1550 cals, 128P, 126C, 52F.
Any other feedback, side effects, recommended compounds, advice welcome.
So far, not having sleep issues with 10mg/day. Increased libido already 😄
Thanks 😊