Officially totally tubeless! If you’re nervous, this is my surgery day experience…
Well, I am totally tubeless and I’ve never felt so free and closer to myself!!! Wanted to post about my experience for anyone who may be nervous as this was my first ever surgery/first time under any form of sedation and I’ve always had panic attacks at the thought of surgery! I got bisalp, a pelvic exam, and a pap all done today.
The morning started off great. Woke up super excited to be sterilized. I packed and set up what I needed the night before. Hopped in the shower and couldn’t stop smiling! Totally thought I would be INCREDIBLY nervous this week and relying heavily on my ativan, but nope, not at all actually! The only thing I was nervous about was throwing up as I’m chronically ill and chronic daily nausea is real! I’m also emetophobic. I’ll include a bit at the end of my post for my folks who also struggle with emetophobia or are generally nauseous!
I arrived at the hospital for my 0735 check in time. They were a bit behind schedule. I was finally called back around 0845. During the time I waited in the waiting room I was able to provide them with the urine sample. A CNA called me back and took my vitals and weight. She also gave me stuff to change into and a personal belongings bag to put all my clothes and other belongings in. All I brought with me was my phone (with a sticky wallet), cane, the clothes on my back, a portable charger, a ziplock for my earrings, and some peppermint oil. The preop nurse then came in. I immediately told her about the nausea I was experiencing and that I wasn’t able to take my usual nausea medication this morning. I also let her know the concerns I had about nausea after the surgery and explained my reasons. She called the anesthesiologist right away and he ordered a scopolamine patch and some Zofran. She went over my medications (If you take a lot of medication like I do, HIGHLY recommend making a list for them because you will be asked a couple times) and placed an IV. Finally she gave me some fluids and went to get my mom. She was lovely and very very supportive of my decision to get sterilized! We had a great conversation as we shared the same chronic illness. Once my mom was in the room, the resident who I spoke to yesterday at my preop (they switched my doctors last minute) came by to confirm the procedure and if I had any questions. I told her nope and that I feel ready. The anesthesiologist came in right after the resident left. He confirmed the procedure and took a look at my medication list. He explained the risks and everything that was going to happen to me step by step. He then asked me if I had any questions and answered all the questions I had! He was wonderful as well! I loved his jokes and general attitude! Then my surgeon and her medical student stopped in to say hi, again confirm the procedure, asked if I had any other questions, and let me know they were cleaning up the OR and I should be next to go in about 10 or so minutes. At this point I was exhausted from getting up at 5am and ready for the anesthesia nap! Then OR nurse came in with the preop nurse, again confirmed the procedure I was having and asked if I had any questions. At this point I didn’t so the preop nurse gave a turnover report. About 5 or so minutes after the turnover report the anesthesiologist came back in and told me that I was all set to go and that he was “going to give me a cocktail for the ride.” I didn’t really feel said cocktail, but right after that (1030 ish), I was off to the OR! The anesthesiologist pushed me to the OR and talked to me the entire ride there. As the OR doors opened he told me there would be a lot of people and they’re all here to take care of me and keep me safe during my surgery. As soon as the doors opened I started to felt the tiniest bit of anxiety about the surgery! He had me slide myself over from the bed to the OR table. As soon as I got on the table he asked me if I’m feeling that cocktail and I said “not really I’m kinda nervous.” He told me “I can fix that. I’m going to give you a little bit more okay.” They put an oxygen mask on me and told me it’s going to smell like a beach ball, but it’s just oxygen, and to take a couple deep breaths. I don’t remember anything after that! I don’t remember drifting off, but all I know is nothing stung or hurt in anyway! I was told the bisalp was exactly 40 minutes long!
Next thing I knew I was awake in the PACU! I was told I arrived in the PACU at 1140 and when I first remember looking at the clock it was 1200. When I first woke up I was a bit confused at the oxygen mask on my face and tried to take it off, but as soon as I realized what it was, I didn’t care. I remember waking up curled into a ball on my side. The PACU nurse came in and asked me how I was doing. The first thing I really remember was I was shivering a lot so she threw the bair hugger on me and that went away pretty much immediately! I also remember the fire alarm going off right as I was waking up and not caring, but my nurse reassured me it was nothing and someone probably burnt popcorn. The first thing I remember saying was “damn you guys are quick” and then immediately told her I was nauseous and dizzy. She told me she can give me something to help with that. I had the scopolamine patch on and I know she gave me some more Zofran. She also gave me something for dizziness. When I find out what that was, I’ll edit my post and include the name here! It helped me SO MUCH! I also remember asking if I was mean to anyone and apologizing for it even though the nurse told me I wasn’t. Apparently I kept repeating both of those things according to my nurse but I don’t remember that haha. I don’t remember my blood pressure being a bit low (normal for me) but I was told they gave me an additional bag of fluids and that shot it right back up. The nurse said I woke up quite fast or at least way faster than they were expecting me to! They brought my mom back and the anesthesiologist came in to tell me that all went very well and as good as it could’ve gone on his side! My doctor had a quick second so she popped in and said hi and check in on me right after that. I had a catheter so the nurse said I probably won’t feel like I have to pee, but I had to pee about 10-15 minutes after waking up. The nurse helped me to the bathroom. The blood was a tiny bit jarring but I knew it was normal. I then changed into the clothes I came in. I did this completely unassisted had absolutely no pain up until this point. While I was getting dressed I definitely felt the gas pains in my shoulders, but 4/10 tops! My mom came back in while the nurse took one last set of vitals and took my IV out. She went over my discharge info and showed me the pictures I requested! She gave me a couple extra goodies such as underwear, pads, heat packs, juice, apple sauce, a bottle of water, ice chips, and a ton of emesis bags just so I could have them in stock at home. She got me a wheelchair and pushed me out to the car. I was able to get into the car by myself. I was discharged and left the hospital around 1325 (1:25PM), so only about an hour and a half spent in the PACU. I was told that they were expecting to keep me for quite some time so yay!
The ride home was great. I get very car sick so I was worried about that, but I wasn’t car sick or nauseous at all! I got home at about 1410 (2:10PM). I walked around my house for about an hour after getting home. Made myself some peppermint tea and mashed potatoes. I also took a stool softener and some gas x!
Currently propped up in bed with a heating pad! My pain is about a 2-3/10. Definitely feeling some gas pain. I feel it in my abdomen more than anything when I lay down. I’d say the abdominal pain feels similar to when you do a lot of sit ups at once and you’re sore af after! When I sit up or walk around, I feel sharp pain in my right shoulder. Still 2-3/10. My throat is also starting to feel slightly sore. I don’t feel the pain from the abrasion left by the sponge on my vaginal wall my surgeon told me about. I have some minor bleeding. Most importantly to me, no nausea and minor pain. Might sound odd but I feel way better than I do on a daily basis. My boyfriend and mom said I look like I feel better (more color, more perky, not walking with my sorta arms out) than I normally do as well! Granted it’s only a few hours post op and that’s probably why, but I really hope it stays this way or if anything only gets 1 point worse on the pain scale! Couldn’t have had a better first time surgery experience! Everyone was incredibly supportive and never once bingoed me. I wasn’t even asked if I was sure about sterilization, just that I knew what I was getting done. My preop nurse actually shared with me how she has been highly considering it! Also no longer afraid to get the other surgery and endoscopy I need done! HUGE win for me! Now I understand why people love anesthesia. That shit is great haha!
For my emetophobia folks, I hear you! Little back story on my emetophobia. I used to be severely impacted by it. Any time someone even burped I’d have panic attacks. I was agoraphobic and did not leave my house for over a year due to it. I have done a lot of therapy and became an EMT to get over it haha. Personally, I still struggle a lot with it. I can see folks vomit if it’s due to something I can’t catch, such as drinking too much. I no longer work on the ambulance due to my disability, but I definitely struggled with contagious vomiters back then! I am still deathly afraid of vomiting and I am quite afraid of folks who are vomiting/sick with contagious illnesses. I avoid anything that might make me vomit. That being said due to my chronic illness causing chronic nausea and my emetophobia, I’ve always been afraid of surgery because of the possible side effects of nausea/vomiting! If this is you or you’re just a generally nauseous person, ask for a scopolamine patch and/or Zofran! I had both! Seriously ask! I had the scopolamine patch placed about an hour or so before I went under. I woke up with dizziness and minor nausea but the they gave me more Zofran and whatever the anti dizziness medication was right away. All of these things made me feel great and I haven’t experience any nausea since then. Also never threw up. Didn’t even come close to really feeling like it! You can also ask for a Zofran prescription just to have on hand after the surgery! I did this even though I’m prescribed Zofran for an unrelated issue!
TLDR: Totally tubeless and don’t think I could’ve had a better first time surgery experience!
Sorry in advance for any typos or errors!
Edit: BIGGEST ADVICE GET A DAMN TRASH PICKER/GRABBER!! I got mine for $2.90 at Harbor Freight and it’s been the most used thing so far haha.