Is it me?

So, like I mentioned in my other posts, dad met this lady and got into a relationship. Well, they figured things were moving too fast so they decided to be friends. That’s beside the point, though.

Anyway, I went to dad’s today, she came over. I said hi, then we talked about DoorDash and it not allowing me where I live, and that I have to travel to another city to dash. Well, within that conversation I mentioned mom. The second I mentioned my mother, she gave me the cold shoulder. Why? What did I do wrong? She told dad in the beginning that she doesn’t want him to have any ties to his exes (ex stepmom and anyone else), but she understands the tie he has with mom. So, with that being said, why would me and her talking, I mention mom ONE time cause her to give me the cold shoulder? I just want to cry. I’m half tempted to text dad and ask if she likes me or even enjoys talking to me. I don’t understand what’s going on here.