Humble Fights, Frights, and Fantasy Bundle! (Part 1)

On behalf of a generous donor, the Mod Team is happy to offer two full copies of the Humble Bandai Namco Fights, Frights, and Fantasy Bundle! The donor wants to ensure everyone has a chance to enter, so we’ll be giving away the bundles in two separate giveaways - the second of which will run this weekend.

The games on offer are as follows:

  • Code Vein
  • Katamari Damacy Reroll
  • Pac-Man Museum +
  • Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
  • TEKKEN 7

TO ENTER: Write a comment with up to three (3) games in order of preference from most to least wanted. Winners will be randomly selected and awarded the highest-ranking game on their list that’s still available. Keys will be distributed via Reddit Chat, so make sure your account is enabled to receive Chat requests!

This giveaway will be open for roughly 48 hours from the time of posting, so be sure to get your entries in while you can. Good luck, everyone!

Winner selection and key distribution are underway!

Congrats to the winners! Everyone else, keep your eyes out later today for Part 2!