On Xbox Series S the final fight is almost impossible and I'm losing my sanity 😤

I say almost because I'm sure it's doable at some point on Stalker difficulty but OMG the performances are just abyssal, the visual ghosting makes it almost impossible to spot the enemies from the environment, the framerate is tanking like never before and how much ammo does it take to finish Faust 😂

But the worst of the worst? The f****** loading time each time you fail! If I could replay the fight immediately, I wouldn't mind as much but OMG the game needs to reload for something like 30s to 1min after each fail and it makes it so much more frustrating. 🤪

Add to that all the time you're being slowed down due to grenade, the Psi power, the high amount of opponents spawning infinitely, I think I will just load a save I made earlier and keep exploring the Zone without never finishing the game haha.

I'll keep trying, but outside of the boss design which I find lacking, the performances and the visual glitches are probably my worst enemies in this section.

I needed to vent to keep my sanity, thanks for reading me. ✨