What the Tech is happening?
Someone who knows something about some techy stuff will have to look at this and determine what it is. It might be nothing at all but I feel its worth saying.
I dont really know how things work for the most part, just that they do. I am a grandma with a Chromebook if that tells you anything. Heres some data that I think is worth looking at:
This is from a cyber threat hunting software group. It seems to suggest that the voter websites may have received some cyberattacks the day of election.
For what its worth, I have always thought of our elections as being probably one of the most secure things that we do collectively as a nation. There are so many polling locations, spread out so far. This election was different. As I start to hear of rumors of EI I shake it off, until people start making sense…… I was watching a news interview one night, (I think it was newsweek) the reporter asked a poll worker how do we know that the machines are not able to be hacked, his response was alarming. "They cannot be hacked because they are not connected to the internet, " he pointed at the back of the machine and indicated to the powercord and he stood ALL THE WAY on business when he said “See the only wire that comes out of the machine is the powercord, there is no way for it to be connected to the internet”. And then the reporter seriously just left it at that. I was actually yelling at my computer screen. I quickly went to the comment section of the article and said “uhhhmmm Sir, ma’am, anyone????…If I may, Id like to just say that I just watched this video and am now typing and will send a comment on my Chromebook, there is also no wire attached….. My husband plans on watching the fight tonight on our Samsung TV using Netflix, also no wire except the power cable, and earlier today I video called my grandkids on my google cell phone and Guess what????? It also has no wire. So can we just elaborate on this just a little bit?” No answer.
I used to work for a company called Eaton Corp in Shawnee OK. Eaton eventually absorbed a company called Tripp Lite but even before they bought Tripp Lite, we used a lot of Tripp Lite products in Eaton products. Eaton makes backup power and power generated supplies, like alternators, stored power back up batteries, rechargeables, surge protectors…. Stuff like that. One of the items we used to put together was a memory card reader with back up rechargeable power but they also contained a small chip from tripp lite for backup and stored internet. Now remember, I already said, I dont always know how things work just that they do-Kind of like a poll worker I guess. I know what my one job was but when it comes to the tech part of it, I dont know how it worked. We had two main types of customers in the area I worked and both contained MCU’s (I dont know what it stands for I just remember thats what we called them when we did the program).
One of the products was for a manufacturer of ATM machines. I would get my part, which usually had already been supplied with stored power, plug it into my system and input the data set for the transponder to work. Im probably not explaining it well but just imagine, if someone were to steal an ATM machine theyd probably first unplug it, the machine will appear to go off but back up power would kick in to prevent a surge causing data damage but it would also initiate a transponder that would, in intervals, send out data packets of useless information. Its kinda like the ATM jumping up and down screaming “here I am”. So if someone where to be looking for a missing or stolen ATM they would be able to find it and connect to it. Once there is a connection, the police (or I guess whoever was looking for it) would be able to stop the transponder from wasting power with throwing out signals to get attention and would connect with whoever it was looking for the machine and would be able to wirelessly communicate with it to gather more information, like location, damages, camera information, AND also the most recent data that would have been collected and stored on the memory of the ATM. NOTE: That memory was edit-able. The other customer was for residential security. The back up power also had the ability of the MCU to wirelessly connect to the internet to start storing recordings and data, (also editable) and still be able to connect to a service provider for alarms in the event its power and internet connection was lost, like in a fire or a break in where the intruder cut power and internet to the house thinking it would also cut a security. Both of these parts would still work perfectly fine without power, without cords, without a dedicated internet connection. To activate the MCU, Id plug the part into my system and set up the start functions and then run it through a system that did all the rest. At the end Id get a seemingly random code that would work as a temp password until the customer activated the service and set their own code, but there was a backdoor to that code, and that code was always and forever going to be the reset code for access to the machine in the event the owner got locked out, and it could be hacked if someone knew what they were doing. I never paid too much attention to that part (unfortunately).
I guess the point Im trying to make is this: I think it would have been a hack within the states election system and not really a hack on each machine or even each polling location. I have been reading a bit about the election equipment, and I guess I made this up somewhere in my head but I just assumed everyone did it the same, and they dont…… It varies soooooo drastically, that hacking the machines seems like excessively dangerous exposure when its just easier to gain access to each states results website. I dont care what they say, the results of each precinct has to be transmitted electronically at some point since there are soooo many polling locations spread out so far but they start reporting numbers 10 minutes after the polls close. I think its that transfer of information that is the most vulnerable and if the election websites were getting hit with attacks, then maybe those attacks were intended to be caught and recognized as simply someone trying to gain access to early results so that the real attack, probably in the form of new hardware (like a card reader with an MCU) that would have been implemented and appear to be harmless can do its work.
I also believe that this has something to do with CrowdStrike. Remember that DNC hack in 2016, the leaked Clinton emails? And then magically enter Crowdstrike. The founders of crowdsrike are all former Macfee security, except one. He was only listed for four years and then just disappeared. Gregg Maston, the SEC shows his stock all transferred to a trust that is still there but hasnt moved since 2016. And do yall remember that 2019 impeachment attempt? He was mentioned in there also but now I cant find it. But it had something to do with some money that congress had approved to be sent to Ukraine and tRump was basically holding it hostage. There was that phone call from like July of 20-16 I think between tRump and Zelensky about a missing server from the investigation of the DNC involving crowdstrike and tRump wanted zelensky to find it for him. And then just like that it went away like nothing happened. Gregg was somehow involved in that part of the impeachment. And I got the impression that “server” was not really something permanent but more like a cloud server.
And then, after the last day of the RNC convention, in the early hours of the morning, there was a huge crowdstrike outage. Banks were blacked out, flights were grounded, hospitals and entire governments couldnt operate. As it turned out, ONE singular person, pushed an update for Falcon (or something like that) that was not only not ready but was not even designed for the products it affected AND the one person in the middle of the night that pushed this one button supposedly also was not even a part of the team that works with systems or updates. I dont know what happened in that blackout but if I was a person who knew how to look for strange tech things or changes to systems and software that would allow someone with access to some young hackers to make some changes, Id start looking there.
For the record, after looking at some other stuff I fully believe he cheated in 2016, he won but not the popular vote…. And then he changed it up and cheated in 2020 to attempt to win the popular vote and the electoral college but something went wrong. Thats why he wont shut up about it, thats why Rudy G was willing to lose everything but his only current pair of underwears screaming it to anyone who would listen, thats why so many people where willing to just keep running their mouths til they went to jail over it. Then in 2024 he simply over did it.
Side note: Musky has been by his side the entire time, Since 2015, he is just now publicly by his side. I think that they know they over did it, people are acting too nervous and there was no celebrations following the election, just silence.
The SEC filings for crowdstrike around these dates are kind of weird also, seems like lots of gift transfers with some commons.
Take a look-see… Like I said it may be nothing but a bad feeling and some over thinking.