Election Truth Alliance found most anomalies with early voting. Has anyone looked into the Early Vote Action PAC?

Election Truth Alliance noted that early voting is where they are seeing the most anomalous data. I thought it was interesting that no one in the sub ever brought up this PAC, although it might be a moot point with an active coup happening now (so it's not like the FBI can suddenly investigate), but at the very least it could be of interest to those of us who are still wondering wtf happened.

The founder, Scott Presler, is ADORED on the right. "Scott Presler isn't just a rising star— he's the architect of the new electorate [...] without his groundwork, MAGA wouldn't have pulled it off" — Steve Bannon. Along with the Early Vote Action PAC, Presler peddles a mobile app by the same name. Leon donated 1M to the PAC as well. He’s a former Stop the Steal organizer and QAnon guy who's largely credited by conservatives for flipping FL red years ago, although there were many shenanigans like Dems finding out they were registered as Republicans.

Although he's mainly taking credit for winning PA, Presler says he actually had staff in every swing state (and was in fact focused on every state). As noted in a recent thread, PA had some odd election results, and there were also multiple hearings regarding fake registrations in Lancaster (of course Presler and co blame Dems for this), not to mention some suspect Bucks county numbers in particular. The absurd Amish vote claims also come from his efforts.

Anyways here’s where it gets weird...

The early vote app allows a single person to automatically write postcards, make calls, send text messages to *hundreds of voters* anywhere in the US. He actually told his followers not to send more than 200 texts/per day, so even a few hundred users could do a LOT of damage. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY: I don’t get how this works without an extensive backend database of both registered and unregistered voters by name, address and phone number. I'm no techie, but I don't see any other way to do this other than making the user put in the info themselves (someone with more skill should look into the permissions this thing asks for— maybe it pulls all your contacts?).

The app was developed by Superfeed Technologies, who are behind a dozen or so other similar conservative voting apps, including TPUSA (who had that talk about building an army of election workers). WHY TF does the Arizona corporation commission describe Superfeed Technologies as a foreign for-profit business?!

Also noteworthy that one one of the directors of this company, Tyler Bower, was literally one of the fake electors Trump wanted to use to steal 2020, so evidently they don’t have problems doing shady stuff.

Now to be clear, this is NOT proof that Presler and co stole the election. Maybe dude really DID kick ass at recruiting, in which case, great job. But the point he keeps hammering is ramping up voter registrations in untapped groups, so his claims could be easily verified by cross referencing new voter registrations by party with the early vote increase. However, I am suspicious because: 1) Many PA counties had more Dem senate votes than Republican, 2) Even a spectacular effort wouldn't account for every single county having huge drop off rates for Trump and the inverse for Harris, and 3) A group of people who literally tried to steal it in 2020 with fake electors are inherently untrustworthy.

One thing to keep in mind (if the country doesn't collapse and we still have elections): Presler is currently boasting about flipping New Jersey red next, so at the very least someone should be monitoring whatever the hell he’s doing there.

So what do folks think? Is this a huge nothingburger, or is it something to dig into further?