Weird thing happens when I take mushrooms
For context, i’ve taken mushrooms around 5 times, always the same strain: Jack Frost. My trips have ranged from 1g to 3.5g. A weird thing has happened the last two times i’ve tripped, once on 3.5 and once on around 2. I’ll just be sitting there when all of a sudden there’s this really quick sound almost as if something zipped by my head on both sides, but it’s insanely loud… like the first time I straight up got out of my chair super fast and my friends who were also tripping both looked at me like wtf. Every time it happens it feels like my brain took a screenshot… I’ve never heard of this happening to anyone else. There was also one time it happened as I was about to fall asleep, sober. It was the night after my previous trip so it could have just been me falling into a dream and my brain recreating it for some reason. This has bothered me for a couple days now that it’s happened multiple times. Anyone ever heard of anything like this?
TL;DR:last couple of times i’ve tripped i hear a super loud sound randomly and it feels like my brain took a screenshot and got zapped