Is anyone else's Shiba a little too interested in other people? 😅
Our Shiba is obsessed with people. She loves everyone and anyone! She's been out in her sling since she was little and around family as well until she was able to get her final shots to go out walking. She was always interested in people. But now it's getting a bit too much, every single person she sees she will try to drag herself over to to say hi. Or refuse to walk so she can sit and stare at them. She'll do this for however long it takes until they are out of her eyesight.
She's really lovely natured, the vet comments on it and how unusual it is for a Shiba every time we take her in 😅
But it's getting a little inconvenient on walks with her trying to stop to greet every single human. Has anyone had this before? Any tips to make her a little less people obsessed?