Reddit Contest Thread! What do you buy most often with your Shakepay Card? Let us know and you could get #shakepaid 🔥

You guys wanted a contest on Reddit (similar to how we’ve been running them on Twitter) so let’s do it!

This week’s contest will run similarly to one we ran on Twitter a few weeks ago.We want to know: What do you buy most often with your Shakepay card? Morning coffee? Favorite lunch order? Groceries?

In this thread, comment the name of a merchant you visit frequently, the purchase ($) amount of your last trip there and your Shaketag.

Keep an eye out on Thursday, some of you will be getting a surprise. Feel free to enter more than once.

Haven’t heard of #shakepaid? With the Shakepay Card, you can get #shakepaid any time—that’s when you win the entire value of random purchases back in bitcoin!

EDIT Apr. 28th - 6pm ET:

That’s a wrap!
Thank you to all the participants for our first ever Reddit contest!
Congrats to our 50 winners and for the others, rest assured, more contests are to come.
For the winners, check your notifications and Shakepay app, you’ll find a lil surprise from shakepayrewards 🎉