I just made myself a salad

After spending most of the day in bed, remembering my dog that passed away 5 days ago, wishing someone came to rescue me from my sadness, a hero that would come to my bedroom and ask me what I needed, a hug, a kiss, words of encouragement, a comforting meal? I imagined I wasn't alone in my house with my sadness next to me, I didn't eat all day, taking naps to make my feelings disappear, only to have nightmares that made me woke up even worse.

An hour ago I decided I needed to be loving to myself, I got to the kitchen and checked what I had in the fridge, and made myself a salad.

It wasn't the best salad I've ever had, but it tasted like self love. It tasted like I chose myself in a day I was wishing someone else would choose me.

This day will be over soon, I need to survive it a few more hours.

I'll make sure I try to remember the salad I made for myself today, when I need someone else to make it for me, I know I'll be capable of making it for myself.