Don’t let women on the internet make you believe there are no good women
The bar for female behaviour is set by the average woman- don't let the below average lower it. There are good women. They're everywhere. I see them everyday. I have to remind myself that when I'm on the Internet. Most women are hygienic. Most women want companionship and not dictatorships. Most women do not wish physical or sexual harm on men. Most women have empathy. Most women don't expect to be worshipped and praised for the bare minimum. It's just that 5% that do, are really obnoxiously loud on the Internet.
And these mouth breathers like to make out like theyre regular women and their veiws are what every woman is "secretly thinking and afraid to say". Thats a cope. The women with these terrible takes are the kind of women that wouldn't be able to socialise with you properly on the premise that you're a man. They're the weirdos and social isolates.
If you want to know if your expectations as a man for women are too high, don't listen to social media. Because it's in the loser's best interest to get you to settle for them, and tell you that you don't deserve better. Look at the women around you and in your vicinity and the average behaviour amoung all of them is the standard.
All the women I know are hard working, with decent careers. All the women I know are either in fair partnerships or looking for fair partnership. All the women I know speak respectfully about all the men in their lives. All the women I know don't believe they're entitled to sex.