what football team do i support?
i've recently started watching premier league football but have not yet settled on a team to support. if anyone could help me out that'd be great
preferences: - my support for this team should be seen as slightly contrarian and unique. so no manchester united - i would like for them to have a pleasing colour palette - players should be good looking. are there any notable football playing heterotwinks?
so far i'm thinking tottenham hotspur. my reason for this is they seem to be widely considered a joke (?) which awakens my natural sympathies for the underdog (has anyone else seen that vid of the homeless man yelling at some guy because he tried to give him a tottenham sweater). at the same time they aren't complete flops since they're still global top 15 revenue wise. lilies are my favourite flower and wikipedia informs me that they're called the lilywhites. apparently they have a rivalry with another team called arsenal. i know nothing about arsenal but the name brings to mind arsenals of weaponry, which have a militaristic and violent connotation that i dislike. tottenham is also apparently spiritually jewish, which is funny. should i go with tottenham or is there another team i should look into?