is there a meaningful difference in how attractive you’re perceived to be if you go from average to below average bmi?

my friend was like a bmi 22 (around where i am now) and went down to bmi 18 when we went to college. she did receive more male attention but that coincided with a major glowup in other areas (haircut, skincare, clothes etc) so i'm not sure if it can be attributed solely to that. she does seem a lot more confident at this lower weight though. another thing is she's quite a bit taller than me (around 5'6) so the skinniness really works on her, it makes her look really modelesque imo but i'm worried that on a shorter frame like mine it may look childlike? i don't have great eating habits atm should i actively start dieting to lose that last bit of weight? or will it not make much of a difference? i'm worried that i look kinda dowdy and matronly currently. sorry for bmiventing again btw i'm in a mental crisis