Is it time to end my 3 year relationship?

I’m 25F, and I’ve been with my boyfriend (24M) for 3 years. We’ve always had a loving relationship—he’s kind, generous, and caring. When we’re together, we’re inseparable. We share pass codes, locations, and have an open and honest dynamic.

However, we only see each other on weekends since he works in the office (we both live with parents), and we live about 40 minutes apart. Saturdays, he plays sports (as a hobby) until 6pm, then goes to the pub with his friends. His job also involves a lot of client meetups, so he’s often out drinking on weeknights, going home as late as 1-3am. During these nights, his texts are sparse, and he rarely calls.

I’ve told him multiple times that I don’t feel like a priority, but he insists that his social life is important and that I need to understand. While I get it, this leaves me feeling sad and lonely. I sometimes wonder if it’s my fault for not having a closer group of friends or enjoying going out as much as he does.

What hurts the most is that he makes time for late nights with friends but wants early nights when he’s with me. When I bring this up, he says I’m nagging or “roasting” him, which makes me feel guilty for even addressing how I feel. Sundays together are often spent with him hungover or attending family obligations.

Over the years, he’s gone on multiple boys’ trips—Ibiza (twice), Miami, golf trips—and now, he’s in Thailand with single friends. This trip stings because I’ve always dreamed of going to Thailand and begged him for years to go with me. He was never interested before, but now he’s there, living my dream holiday. He texts and sends pictures, but I can’t shake the resentment.

Recently, I found him exchanging cheating-related memes with friends on TikTok. When I confronted him, he said it was just dark humor and doesn’t mean anything. he’s never physically done anything that would justify breaking up.

I love him dearly, but I can’t help feeling like I’m putting more into this relationship than I’m getting back. I don’t feel like he meets all my needs, and I’m torn. What should I do?