A deeply profound mistake
I have a 3 year old boy. We dealt with colic for the first 5 months of his life, which were dark times for both me and my partner. During that period, I had the first thought that I’d made a terrible mistake - I realised that I had brought a child into this world apparently only to suffer. We couldn’t do anything to alleviate his discomfort - not for lack of trying - and I wondered whether “this” was better than not being at all.
The stress of that time took its toll on us as parents, and I‘m sure we both aged 10 years in the space of 5 months and probably are dealing with some degree of PTSD to this day. I’ve realised that we rolled the dice - our child is now healthy pending a likely future ADHD diagnosis, but we could have just as easily ended up with a child with a severe mental disability, chronic pain, childhood cancer, personality disorder, or any other number of conditions that would reduce his quality of life.
He’s a toddler so we’ve been struggling with the usual - defiance, early wakeups, tantrums, relationship strain. People have said to try and include your children in the things you enjoy, so the other day I put on some music while sitting with him and playing with play-dough. He immediately tantrums and tells me to turn the music off, after which he decides to throw my drink on the floor, sending glass everywhere. Another time, I tried taking him on a hike but less than 10 minutes in, we are dealing with a tantrum and demands to go home. I understand this is developmentally normal, but where is the joy? Both me and my son are miserable, and my attempts to inject some enjoyment into life only lead to more negativity.
There are a few moments where he smiles, or seems to be interested in something, but the majority of his time is spent in a state of restlessness or dissatisfaction (whining and demanding). I try to enjoy those positive moments, but they are fleeting - gone in an instant - whereas the negativity seems to go on and on, day after day, hour after hour. In some cosmic way it makes sense. If somehow, prior to birth, we knew that we would come into a world where things like the holocaust are possible, where children are being blown to pieces in Gaza, where death and disease are inevitable, would we be happy with the choice our parents made to bring us into existence?
Also, isn’t it true that we are never truly satisfied? If we were satisfied with existing ‘as-is’, then why would we go out into the world and chase money, romance, status, relationships and family?
I understand this is all very pessimistic, and there are some joys in life that appear to make all this worthwhile - things like love, music, success in work/sport/hobbies, art, beauty of nature, and whatever else humans value - but none of this is a given, and attaining or appreciating any of these parts of life requires him to “play the game” of fitting into society. I think about the trials and struggles he will go through as he passes through years of school and work, with no guarantee that he will find the things that make life worthwhile. As much as I can try to shield him from failure and despair, it may all be in vain.
So, I realise I’ve made a terrible and selfish mistake by bringing him into this world. I am regretful not for myself, but for my son who had no say in whether he wanted to be here or not. I now have a duty to try as best I can to give him the tools and the best chance to find happiness, but I should not be surprised if he is unable to do so. In the meantime, I will keep reading to him, playing with him, teaching him as best I can about the way of the world, try to introduce him to the beautiful parts of life, in spite of his negativity and dissatisfaction with existence. But I won’t make the same mistake again.