Infinite Jest was truly a vision into the future- from technology to politics

Things it predicted:

  • A populist US president who's brazen and rash from the entertainment industry
  • Instagram/snapchat/zoom filters-
    • "The proposed solution to what the telecommunications industry's psychological consultants termed Video-Physiognmoic Dsyphoria (or VPD) was, of course, the advent of High-Definition Masking. Mask-wise, the initial option of High-Definition Photographic Imaging — i.e. taking the most flattering elements of a variety of flattering multi-angle photos of a given phone-consumer and ‚ thanks to existing image-configuration equipment already pioneered by the cosmetics and law-enforcement industries — combining them into a wildly attractive high-def broadcastable composite of a face wearing an earnest, slightly overintense expression of complete attention."
  • Working from home
  • The entertainment - which is essentially a metaphor for doom-scrolling now
  • And the biggest one of all, the US annexing Canada and Mexico into O.N.A.N (Organization of North American Nations)