Totally bombed it

I scored a second interview as a hematology tech at the second biggest lab for vet med in the US. My pay would be great, and it would be furthering my career, I had never been so determined to get a spot. The first phone interview went amazing, I hit it off with the recruiter, second interview got scheduled today. Normally my interviews go great, but this one not so much. First, I left early so I could get there a lil early to decompress in my car before hand. The traffic was so bad, I didnt take account for it. So I showed up 10 minutes late. When I got there I apologized profusely before and after the interview. I was told over the phone the second interview would only be around 15 minutes, which it was. I felt like her body language was kinda shut off, she wasn’t good at making eye contact, but seemed in well spirits for the most part. I could tell she didnt actually read my resume by her reactions of my career history. Where I really fucked up is when I told her straight up I don’t have any questions. I legit could not think of anything that hasn’t already been covered or emailed to me. It overall just felt really off, I have never been so disappointed with my performance. I emailed a thank you after, as this is probably the coolest opportunity I’ve been able to get. She told me she has another interview today but she’ll let me know otherwise. I’m honestly tanked and have never felt worse about myself.