Does anyone else’s parents try to keep them as infantilized as possible?

So my therapist and I have suspected that there may have been sexual abuse when I was really little, as in at the age of 5 and/or under. I don’t know if or who would abuse me. I just go by my intuition and listen to myself based on somatic symptoms in my body.

I just wanted to ask if anyone’s narcissistic parent tries to keep you infantilized in order to control you. For example, a few years ago, at the age of 25/26, my mother tried to convinced me that another therapist of mine brainwashed me and implanted false memories in my head. She had my father gather up psych wards to throw me into all because I stood up to her. She tormented me and my weight and made fun of me for going to therapy after I asked her to come with me when I was 19. After she was done with her antics, she tried to sing me a lullaby while stroking my hair as if I was a little child. It gave me the creeps so I told her to stop singing. I’m 29 now and wonder if she either knows something or has done something and is trying to keep me a mental prisoner within myself in order to have control over me.