Narcissist know how to insinuate your lack of worth, they simply don't do anything to take care of you.

It felt so demoralizing, anguishing to realize the things my Mother was "teaching" me to basically parent myself, at a very young age, ..... so that she didnt have to do anything. I would basically be raising myself. "You can do it, your smart", like I didn't know what that meant .

I can barely talk about it because it's so painful. The pure indifference. It was as bad, or worse as far as being abusive,........the neglect. The "I really don't give a shit what you do", unless she got caught. And then being pissed that she got cornered into taking care of me.

It really affects how I care for myself now. I end up feeling resentful, and sad, that here I am an adult, but I skipped right over the nurturing part. I know I should be over it, but it's affected me all my life, to have to have been my own parent, so this "self-parenting" is nothing new, I"ve been doing this since I was 10.