thoughts of selling my radiohead collection tell me what you think

I guess it's time, I donno...
After almost 30 years I decided it's time to move on and get rid of that box that sits there for 20 years while everybody's online on Spotify and Apple music.
So im thinking of selling this collection which was once so so precious to me. for 10 years I hunted every piece of RH music I could put my hands on. I know every CD of that collection personally. I could sell RH b-sides compilations on street corners in 1996 from all this singles I got. All of them original bought before the reprint around 2009. Some of them still has the extras they came with in the sleeve - postcards, posters etc'. Many other are from radio stations I worked at. Some rare promos and stuff like Irish The Bends missprint CD Single.
How much do you think this collection will go for?
DM me if youd like some info about it

EDIT: well you all definitely made a point here. I wasn't sure what I'm about to do, I thought of selling but while indexing the items I understood it's much more than the money or the Elektron Digitkat I thought of getting with it. I'm attached to these pieces of plastic. Thanks so much for all of you who took the time to write, I'm not selling it.