Maybe a dumb question, but what does baby wear after being born in hospital? When do they get bathed or wiped off?
So after you deliver, is the baby immediately wiped off and put in a diaper for the rest of the hospital stay? Do they mostly stay in just a diaper and swaddle or blanket until you go home and then you put on their going home outfit? I am 31 weeks starting to think about what to put in my hospital bag. I planned to include a receiving blanket with hat for a few hospital bassinet photos and then a maybe one NB and one 0-3 outfit for going home.
But yeah. What do they wear when you’re just hanging out be monitored waiting to go home? And during the golden hour are they diapered? When do they get their first bath?
Edit: thank you everyone! I think I will just take a cute blanket and hat for pictures, one NB outfit, one 0-3 outfit and some plain onesies. I will ask them to wipe her a bit but probably no bathing.