When did you have your first ultrasound??

When did you have your first ultrasound?

My first pregnancy sadly ended when I miscarried back in August at 9w+2, the night before our very first ultrasound apt. So I’ll never know if baby stopped growing at a certain week, if they ever even had a heartbeat, or if it was a blighted ovum…

When I conceive again, I want to ask my midwife if we can do an ultrasound sooner than 9 weeks this time. In my previous pregnancy I had my first apt at 7 weeks where we did blood work checking HCG/progesterone levels. (My progesterone came back low at 8.4ng/ml.) and she scheduled my ultrasound to be at 9 weeks saying “we should be able to hear the heartbeat pretty clear at 9 weeks”. Though I believe you can hear a heartbeat as early as 6 weeks in some cases.

Because of my previous miscarriage would it warrant me requesting an earlier ultrasound in my next pregnancy? I’m wondering how common it is to have an earlier ultrasound and when they usually take place.

Also, I have an irrational fear of ectopic pregnancy, so the previous 9 weeks I worried the entire time if the embryo was in the right placement. So I think an earlier ultrasound would bring me more peace of mind on that front.