Husband said my pregnancy symptoms are psychosomatic.

Exactly as stated above. Let me start by saying he’s a good man and it was not said in a malicious or intentionally demeaning way. He said that I “work myself up to the point of having physical symptoms”. I’m 6 weeks pregnant and we’ve known for about two weeks. This is my first pregnancy. I haven’t thrown up at all. Have had some minor food aversions but nothing extreme. Sometimes after I eat a few bites of something my stomach will suddenly churn and I have to put it down. And even less often something I normally like will smell disgusting, such as one morning wheat bread smelled awful to me but by lunch time I ate the peanut butter sandwich with no problem. No gagging or vomiting at all, and I don’t make a big deal of it when foods bother me. Only other symptoms are that I’m very tired and a little weepy at times. All pretty minor symptoms that are hardly out of my norm (I’m naturally a crier, a bit of a picky eater, and have always been a sleepy gal.) He didn’t mean it in an unkind way and he stopped talking almost immediately after I gave him the “oh really?” look. He realized really quick that he shouldn’t have said that lolll. But there’s still some education that needs to happen there so he understands why it was a dumb thing to say.

Help me educate him. A little roasting is good too, because he hasn’t seen anything yet. ;)

TLDR: I’m barely having any symptoms but my husband told me he thinks the few symptoms I am having are all in my head. Help me tell him why that was an incredibly dumb thing to say to his pregnant wife.