Everyone else is having their baby but me

I’m literally 48 hours away from my due date. I keep seeing everyone have their baby (mind you those whose due date is after mine) have theirs, while I’m stuck with not even a centimeter dilated. I feel no one is really supportive, with the whole “she’ll come when she does” or “be patient”. I’ve done this for 278 days, had a physically great pregnancy but emotionally/mentally tough one to where I just want to be done because I’m tired of the emotional roller coaster ride and mental anguish not only from me, but those who I honestly thought would be there for me during all of this (I’m on antidepressants, helps mostly). I literally sobbed today about it, and all my partner said was just wait until our due date to cry about it, which made me cry more. Will it ever end? I’ve tried everything to get things going and not one thing helped. I just want my baby here with me. EDIT: Irony at its finest, or my daughter heard me and went “bet”. Currently in labor now. Thank you all for the encouragement through my meltdown 😅