FTM, 26 weeks pregnant , just feeling mentally drained and defeated..

I’m 26 weeks along and we are beyond happy to expect a healthy little girl in December.. but lately life is getting too much for me. I keep feeling anxious, my work is burning me out and my manager is just not supportive of her own team so I just feel very defeated and frustrated. In addition, I have to take of my parents who are divorced but rely on me for different things and my younger siblings, who just recently moved to the US and needs help to settle (I’m the oldest sibling so naturally all 3 younger siblings rely on me). I’m crying every second day, I feel stressed and overwhelmed and don’t know how much longer I can take all this….

I sent my doctor a request to start my disability leave 2-3 weeks earlier than 36 weeks but she explained me that that she could only do that if the baby or myself would be in danger or in a critical condition to justify that. What I’m going through and the pregnancy symptoms (servers back pain, stomach cramping, indigestion, heartburn, headache, burnout, anxiety and shortness of breath are not valid reason to start my leave earlier..

the same time I feel so guilty towards my baby.. I’ve read that stress can cause them harm too and that baby will likely be born more anxious and depressed because of this..

I try to remind myself to not feel stressed or anxious for the sake of the baby but I’m struggling and just can’t manage it with my work and family.

Thank you for reading all this. I don’t know if this is a rant or I’m looking for advice.. but I just wanted to share it with this community to see if anyone else can relate..