Arm's Length opening for Silverstein
This past year I became OBSESSED with Arm's Length. I missed their last headlining tour so when I saw they were going on the road with Silverstein I knew I had to go. My husband got me tix for Christmas and the show was this past Friday. While their set was AWESOME, I was so bummed out by the crowd. It seemed like me and 3 other people were the only ones who even knew them. Nobody sang or danced. I know that's sometimes the reality of smaller bands opening for bigger names, esp ones from different eras, but it made me sad for them. And maybe it was just my town. They are so freaking good and I wish the crowd was a reflection of that. I know their time will come (and I know if I want this energy I need to go to a headlining tour) but it still kind of caught me off guard. Maybe this platform and others made me think they're a little bigger than they are 😂 and to me, they're huge! But all that said, they are great performers and I hope to see them again! Silverstein killed it too so you're in for a treat if you're going to this tour!