All 13 PS5 TREAT CODES until now

PS5 Treat Code answers

PS5 Treat Code 1

Code: L2, Triangle, R1, Circle, L1, X, left d-pad, right d-pad, R2, Square

Question: During December 2021, how many hours of games did players play on their PS4 console globally?

Answer: Try in the range of 14999999995-15000000005

PS5 Treat Code 2

Code: L2, R2, Triangle, R1, L1, Circle, left d-pad, X, Square, right d-pad

Question: During December 2021, how many times did players log into their PS4 console globally?

Answer: Try in the range of 4999999995-5000000005

PS5 Treat Code 3

Code: Triangle, R2, left d-pad, Circle, L2, right d-pad, X, L1, R1, Square

Question: During December 2021, how many hours did players play Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End globally? (PS5 and PS4)

Answer: Try in the range of 1499995-1500005

PS5 Treat Code 4

Code: L1, Triangle, L2, right d-pad, R2, Circle, left d-pad, X, Square, R1

Question: During December 2021, how many hours did players play NBA 2K22 globally? (PS5 and PS4)

Answer: Try in the range of 9999995-10000005

PS5 Treat Code 5

Code: Triangle, Circle, L1, right d-pad, X, left d-pad, R1, Square, L2, right d-pad

Question: During December 2021, how many hours did players play Horizon Zero Dawn globally? (PS5 and PS4)

Answer: Try in the range of 1999995-2000005

PS5 Treat Code 6

Code: R1, Triangle, R2, L2, Circle, left d-pad, X, L1, right d-pad, Square

Question: During December 2021, how many hours of games did players play on their PS5 console globally?

Answer: Try in the range of 11999999995-12000000005

PS5 Treat Code 7

Code: Triangle, right d-pad, Circle, L1, X, R2, left d-pad, Square, L2, right d-pad

Question: During December 2021, how many hours did players play God of War globally? (PS5 and PS4)

Answer: Try in the range of 1799995 -1800005

PS5 Treat Code 8

Code: L2, R2, Triangle, Circle, left d-pad, R1, right d-pad, X, Square, L1

Question: During December 2021, how many hours did players play Marvel’s Spider-Man globally? (PS5 and PS4)

Answer: Try in the range of 1599995 – 1600005

PS5 Treat Code 9

Code: Triangle, left d-pad, Circle, L1, L2, X, Square, R2, R1, right d-pad

Question: During December 2021, how many hours did players use the YouTube app globally? (PS5 and PS4)

Answer: Try in the range of 2499995 – 2500005

PS5 Treat Code 10

Code: Triangle, R1, left d-pad, R2, Circle, right d-pad, X, L1, Square, L2

Question: During December 2021, how many hours did players play FIFA 22 globally? (PS5 and PS4)

Answer: Try in the range of 13999995 – 14000005

PS5 Treat Code 11

Code: right d-pad, left d-pad, R2, Triangle, Circle, L2, X, Square, right d-pad, left d-pad

Question: During December 2021, how many hours did players play Gran Turismo Sport globally? (PS5 and PS4)

Answer: Try in the range of 799995 – 800005

PS5 Treat Code 12

Code: L1, Triangle, Circle, right d-pad, X, L1, left d-pad, Square, right d-pad, left d-pad

Question: During December 2021, how many hours did players play Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart globally? (PS5 and PS4)

Answer: Try in the range of 999995 – 1000005

PS5 Treat Code 13

Code: R1, right d-pad, Triangle, L1, Circle, X, R2, Square, L2, left d-pad

Question: During December 2021, how many times did players log into their PS5 console globally?

Answer: Try a range between 2499999995 – 2500000005

Code 14 is unknown at the moment. Good luck!