Got ears peiced by a peircing gun at the mall years ago. Ears never healed.

So as the title says I had my ears peirced probably when I was about 8 with a gun at the mall, I'm wondering if the method is the reason they never healed and what I can do to fix it? I leave my earrings in for days. But if I remove my earrings my ears will bleed and scab and close over and when I put earrings in it hurts and itches, often times seeps and scabs. I clean my earrings and my ears, I've tried neosporin too (triple antibiotic) but nothing seems to keep them comfortable or healed. It hurts to put earings in and theres a scar around both of the peircing sites because of how agitated its been over the years. I want these to heal before I go get professional (not done with a gun) peircings above them.

Edit to add for info: I'm almost 22 making the pericing about 14 years old.

I'm not good with terminology on peircings, but I'm pretty sure it's considered a barbell type of jewlery

I'm not sure of all the materials but quite a few of my earrings are hypoallergenic because I have dermatitis and we thought the metal was why my earrings caused problems/irritation when I was a child.

I honestly don't have a current aftercare routine. I have a "before I put earrings in" routine and that is if I'm not in a rush which includes cleaning my earrings, the earlobe area, and putting neosporin on the part of the peircing that'll go into my ear