Program & Scanner to start Restoring old Pictures


I am new to scanning pictures and restoring pictures. I have taken this on to try and save some family history. This is a more basic question but I have some old pictures that need restoring. I know my first step is to scan the pictures into the computer. I have an EPSON V550 Photo for that and I see you recommend 600dpi full colour scans. My question is does it matter what program I use to scan the pictures into the computer? Would you have a recommendation?

This is the first picture I have tried; I used the Epson software that came with the scanner. Is there a better software I should use with the scanner?

You can see the blemish on my grandfathers left shoulder and another on on the screen door. Can anything be done to remove the blemishes? This is a picture of my grandfather after working a shift in the coal mines in VA.