Books for beginners, for someone who doesn’t even know the basic terms and definitions

I can understand why one would feel this is a doubt asked a million times on this sub. And I really tried searching across this and multiple subs looking for the answer to my doubt. Most of the posts I saw were suggesting books which focused more on trading/investing and general management of personal finances, but I’m someone who doesn’t even know basic terminology.

I’m 24(M) who’s only known studies his entire life. Parents have always protected me from the difficulties of the practical world and allowed me to focus purely on academics. I’m finally at a place where I realise I must step out of the shell and learn on my own. Thanks to my parents efforts, I’m lucky to be in a place which allows me to take risks and burn some money in the process without suffering and I want to learn finances before I truly become independent.

What can you suggest for someone like me who didn’t even the existence of anything besides “fixed deposits” until recently. The only other term I know is “mutual funds” and I don’t even know how they work. I didn’t know there was tax deduction when withdrawing from fd which is absent in ppf(whose existence I learnt about a couple of days back)

So for someone of this level of knowledge, what book or app or video/podcast can you suggest. At least to get started

I downloaded zerodha varsity and have a couple of finance books downloaded based off of some Reddit thread suggestions